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Fitness Trends and Fads

Fitness Trends:


The Definition of a Trend - a general direction in which something is developing or changing.

In general, trends tend to be longer lasting, crossing over industries, and have roots in deeper societal currents. Fads tend to be industry specific, shorter in duration, and trivial in their underlying meaning. ​

A good example of a fitness trend would be core conditioning.  Core conditioning has been one of the biggest trends to hit the fitness industry and in many ways still permeates fitness culture. In part, the trend was the general population’s recognition of the importance of stability and training from the inside out. Our core is the foundational element from which we breathe, move, and sustain our postural structure.

Fitness Fads:

Fad: “an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object's qualities; a craze.”

Synonymous with “fad” is the word “gimmick,” and the fitness industry has had its fair share of them. Look no further than the Shake Weight and the ThighMaster. But fitness fads are not just comical infomercials and white elephant gag gifts. They are usually correlated with a trend (like the Ab Roller and core conditioning.) Curves is also an example of a fad correlated with a trend (obesity and a deconditioned population).

The Distinction Between a Fad and a Trend

The distinction between fad and trend is an important one. Trends tell us the direction the tide is moving. They give us access to new information and different ways to participate in various activities.


Fitness fads tell us information we want to hear. This diet food tastes great or this exercise is easy and produces great results. Fads tell you there is a short cut or a simple answer to a complex dilemma.


Fads can be harmless fun. (I have certainly enjoyed plenty of good laughs about the Shake Weight.) But fads are harmful in that they distract you from the real meaning of fitness - which is you.


Your journey in fitness and wellness is all about the process of facing yourself, exploring what makes you tick, and making the necessary adjustments along the way. The body is dynamic and constantly evolving. What works for you today will not necessarily work tomorrow.


A trend can help you see new things and enhance your fitness for the long term. A fad is a quick fix with short-term and temporary result. Do yourself a favor and skip the fads.

"If you ever owned a television, chances are good you’ve seen your fair share of late-night infomercials with the latest and greatest fitness trend that will magically make you fit, healthy and happy (with the six-pack abs you’ve always wanted!). The products themselves may come and go, but fitness fads are here to stay, whether we like it or not.  Now, that’s not to say all fads are bad things. There are a few things on this list that are truly helpful ways to keep your body in tip-top shape. Most fads, however, are just a way to get you to empty your wallet in the hopes of bulging biceps, shredded abs and shapely thighs. So hike up your legwarmers, pop your ThighMaster between your legs, and have a look at the following Fitness Fad examples."

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