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SSNL Archery Roles


Convenor – oversees the overall Mailmatch event and/or a tournament where schools compete against each other in one location.
Coordinator – organizes/oversees the Mailmatch competition at the school level.
Supervisor – Physically in the gym with the Archers and recording scores.




School Gymnasium. No gym size restrictions.



  • Recurve Bow (barebow or sighted)

  • o Barebow is not allowed stabilizers

  • o No hand held releases unless consent is granted by the organizer ex. persons who are physically challenged.

  • Arrows (Carbon: max 9.3mm with max tip 9.4mm/ Aluminum: max 2315

  • max tip 9.4mm)

  • FITA 60 cm target (single face or triple face)

  • Archery Buttress

  • Netting




  • Each division will use the FITA 60 cm target face. The Archer can choose a single face or triple face target.

  • The distance between the shooting line and the target will be 15 meters.

  • Scorecards are available at





  • Male Recurve Barebow (Barebow has no sightings or markings to help one aim)

  • Female Recurve Barebow

  • Male Team Recurve Barebow

  • Female Team Recurve Barebow

  • Mixed Recurve Barebow

  • Male Recurve Sighted (Sighted bow has aids to help one aim)

  • Female Recurve Sighted

  • Male Team Recurve Sighted

  • Female Team Recurve Sighted

  • Mixed Recurve Sighted


Types of Events


Mail Match

Archery Mailmatch is a competition, which allows the competitor to compete in the comfort of their own gymnasium and submit scores via email. This event needs to be strictly supervised due to the nature of the activity and the scores recorded are based on the honor system.


Duration of Event


  • 10 weeks 




  • Schools physically compete against each other in all divisions in one location and in a typical tournament fashion.


Types of Competitions


Team Competition:

Team Composition:

A team shall consist of 2 individuals from the same school. Each archer on the team must represent a different division.

  • Male Teams must consist of 2 Male Archers using the same type of bow.

  • Female Teams must consist of 2 Female Archers using the same type of bow.

  • Mixed Teams must consist of 1 Male Archer and 1 Female Archer using the same type of bow.

  • The team member’s names must be submitted to the Mailmatch Co-ordinator (organizer at your school) with the first team score. The Coordinator submits their archer’s names and scores to the Mail Match Convenor via email or fax. Scorecards are available at


Individual Competition:

An archer may compete in any number of shooting divisions provided they submit the required fee for each separate division they enter.


Classification (for INDIVIDUAL competitors only):

Each Archer in the INDIVIDUAL competition will compete for Gold, Silver, and Bronze in one of seven (7) classifications listed below. All individual competitors will be unclassified until the end of the competition. For example, if an Archer scores 122 points out of 300 they have the opportunity to achieve a medal in the TYRO classification. Another Archer in the same competition may score 275 out of 300 points and qualify for a medal in the EXPERT A classification. Scores will determine the classification section in which they will be eligible for a medal. For future competitions, competitors who competed in the previous year must compete in that classification in the following year as well.




560 Club    280-300


Expert A     255-279


Expert B     230-254


Bowman     205-229


Archer        175-204


Yeoman      125-174


Tyro              0-124




A score (whether you are participating in the individual or team competition) consists of shooting 30 arrows each to give you a score out of a possible maximum of 300 points for individual or 600 points in team competition.

When scoring, if the shaft of the arrow is touching a dividing line between two scores (known as a line cutter), then the higher score that the arrow is is touching is counted. If there is a dispute on a line cutter ask for another observer to help make the call. If there is still a dispute, the Supervisor is called and will give a final decision. see appendix for an visual example of a line cutter.


  • In Mailmatch, Archers will submit one score per week for a maximum of 10 weeks.

  • You must submit scores for a minimum of 4 weeks to be eligible for a medal.

  • In Mailmatch, final standings shall be computed on the 4 highest scores submitted during the 10 week period.

  • In the Team Competition, team members must shoot a total of 60 arrows (30 each) on the same day for a team score to count.

  • A team member’s score used for the Team Competition cannot be used for the Archer’s individual Competition score as well. The Archer must shoot separate arrows for each event.

  • For Mailmatch, the Supervisor and a witness (other than the archer) is responsible for accurately recording the Archer’s scores. They then sign off on the scorecard and submit it to the Mailmatch Coordinator who will then enter the scores and email or fax it to the Mailmatch Convenor at the end of the month.



The fee is $5.00 per person per division and must be submitted with the competitor’s first score. Each match must be declared to the respective Mailmatch Supervisor prior to the shooting of the match.




SSNL will provide awards for 1 regional tournament per year where schools physically get together. Exceptions will be made if interest is high or geography warrants holding more than 1 tournament in a region. There will only be one set of awards provided for a Mailmatch series as it is a province wide event that takes place in each school’s own gymnasium.


Team Event

  • Championship Banner Awarded for Each Division.

  • Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals Awarded for Each Division.

Individual Event

  • Gold Awarded in Each Shooting Classification




Setting up a Range and Range Safety


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